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2024-4-30   来源:潍坊资讯新闻网
1、我说的是,年龄对我来说是隔骇。 I'm talking about age as a barrier to me. 2、此时此刻,真的好想你。 At this moment, I really miss you. 3、一日无二晨,时间不重临。 There is no morning in a day, and time does not come again. 4、滚罢。带着我最后的慈悲。 Go away. With my last mercy. 5、我想吃一碗面,你的心里面。 I want a bowl of noodles in your heart. 6、要不动如山,做一个大渣女。 If you don't move like a mountain, be a big slag girl. 7、我想牵你的手,从心动到古稀。 I want to hold your hand, from the heart to the antique. 8、你做得越多,你的感觉就越好。 The more you do, the better you feel. 9、不过欢喜如初,不过黄梁一梦。 But joy is like the beginning, but a dream. 10、听说爱情很伤,深陷就全部沦陷。 It's said that love is very hurt. If you fall deep, you will fall completely. 11、我插兜不是为了装酷,是怕丢钱。 I'm not trying to be cool, I'm afraid of losing money. 12、剩下的路,我一个人走。 The rest of the way, I walk alone. 13、只有不怕死的人才配活着。 Only those who are not afraid of death deserve to live. 14、你可以骄傲、但不要嚣张。 You can be proud, but don't be arrogant. 15、守寡一年,想要干啥随心愿。 I've been widowed for a year. I'll do what I want. 16、耐心点,总有人是为你而来。 Be patient. Someone will come for you. 17、放假等于无聊,上课等于煎熬。 Vacation is boring, class is suffering. 18、与其受人怜悯,不如被人妒嫉。 It is better to be envied than to be pitied. 19、既然当初舍得,为什么要心疼。 Since I gave up, why do I have to feel hurt. 20、内心的挣扎让我的心,无法痊愈。 Inner struggle makes my heart unable to heal. 21、大概孤独是常态,熬过去就好了。 Maybe loneliness is the norm. Just go through it. 22、没有信任,就没有友谊。 No trust, no friendship. 23、走的人,留下的只是背景。 Those who leave are only the background. 24、喜欢你的人,要你的现在。 People who like you want your present. 25、回忆,注定是回不去的记忆。 Memories are doomed to be memories that cannot be returned. 26、以后晚安是你,早安也是你。 Good night is you, good morning is you. 27、一世守候,只为博君倾城一笑。 I wait for you all my life, just for you to smile. 28、思想有多远,你就给我滚多远。 As far as the thought is, you can roll it for me. 29、尝尽人间绚烂,难补一生心酸。 It's hard to make up for the bitterness of life. 30、你是八千里云和月,是十万星河。 You are eight thousand miles of cloud and moon, a hundred thousand stars. 31、我站你看不见的角落,隐身守候。 I stand in the corner that you can't see and wait for you. 32、玫瑰有刺,因为是玫瑰。 A rose has thorns, because it is a rose. 33、被你楼在怀里,是我的梦。 It's my dream to be in your arms. 34、不担三分险,难练一身胆。 It's hard to practice courage without three risks. 35、走自己的路。让别人跟着走。 Go your own way. Let others follow. 36、我爱你,愿我俩永远在一起。 I love you. I wish you and I could be together forever. 37、说好陪我到老,永恒往哪里找。 Said to accompany me to the old, where to find forever. 38、你了解过我多少?就说我不好。 How much do you know about me? Just say I'm not good. 39、仰望那片蓝天,阳光依然耀眼。 Looking up at the blue sky, the sun is still shining. 40、不要等我走了,才说你多么爱我。 Don't wait for me to leave to say how much you love me. 41、他一生极苦,却最喜糖。 He had a bitter life, but he liked sugar the most. 42、闲时不烧香,急来抱佛脚。 Don't burn incense when you are free. Hurry to embrace Buddhism. 43、似水流年间,白发染红颜。 Like water years, white hair dyed red. 44、勉强的在一起,也没了意义。 It doesn't make sense to be together. 45、我怀念的以前已经回不去了。 I can't go back to the past that I miss. 46、借我你的手吧,我用余生来还。 Lend me your hand. I'll give it back for the rest of my life. 47、柴经不起百斧,人经不起百语。 Wood cannot stand a hundred axes, and man cannot stand a hundred words. 48、我们都不小了,都不是孩子了。 We are not young, we are not children. 49、我也曾奢望做你年少时最疼的人。 I used to expect to be the one who hurt the most when you were young. 50、哭的时候,恰好撞到了你的眼神。 Crying, just hit your eyes. 51、这画面太美,不忍直视。 The picture is too beautiful to look straight. 52、不是你的错,错的人是我。 It's not your fault, it's me. 53、我爱你,让我们幸福到底! I love you, let's be happy to the end! 54、我就是我、看不爽请靠边站。 I'm me. Please stand aside if you don't like it. 55、我要习惯任何人的逐渐疏远。 I want to get used to the gradual alienation of anyone. 56、原来你,宁愿错过也不会主动。 It turns out that you would rather miss than take the initiative. 57、与其给我誓言,不如陪我消遣。 It's better to spend time with me than to give me a vow. 58、钢笔下的字迹清晰模糊的爱情。 The writing under the pen is clear and fuzzy of love. 59、这辈子能和你在一起,才叫将来。 This life can be with you, that is the future. 60、你永远都治愈不了一个装病的人。 You can never cure a pretender. 61、如若错过,便各自安好。 If you miss it, you'll be all right. 62、相濡以沫,只是一个代言。 Each other, just a spokesperson. 63、春风十里,不如再生有你。 It's better to have you again. 64、决定了忘记,只怕更想念你。 Decided to forget, just afraid to miss you more. 65、开始、只是一个多余的结局。 The beginning is just a redundant ending. 66、待我高头大马,许你嫁衣红霞。 Treat me with a high head and a big horse. I'll marry you. 67、人有悲欢离合,我有两个下巴。 I have two chins. 68、我爱上了给你做饭,陪你睡觉。 I fell in love with cooking for you and sleeping with you. 69、祝您真爱不断,结婚证堆积如山。 I wish you a lot of love and marriage certificates. 70、我怀旧,因为我看不到你和未来。 I'm nostalgic because I can't see you and the future. 71、不幸的人才,要更坚强。 The unfortunate should be stronger. 72、泉水流不尽,知识学不完。 There is no end to the flow of water and knowledge. 73、倾城一笑,抵我半壁江山。 A smile from the city is half of my life. 74、余生很长,想和你没完没了。 I want to spend the rest of my life with you forever. 75、别让我再认真了,你输不起。 Don't let me be serious. You can't afford to lose. 76、烂泥糊不上壁,朽木当不了梁。 Mud can't build walls, rotten wood can't make beams. 77、闭起双眼、只为清晰你的面容。 Close your eyes just to make your face clear. 78、无缘何生斯世,有情能累此生。 There is no reason why we should live in such a world. We can be tired of this life if we have feelings. 79、他们给我十年,我要默笙一辈子。 They gave me ten years, and I'll be silent all my life. 80、爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。 Love drives away the cold better than a coat. 81、等毕业了你们抱抱我好吗? Will you hold me when you graduate? 82、珍惜身边人,珍惜当下事。 Cherish the people around you and the present. 83、节气不饶苗,岁月不饶人。 The solar terms do not spare the seedlings, and the years do not spare the people. 84、你诗化了回忆,迷茫了现在。 You poetic memories, confused now. 85、食了那么多言,你饱了没有。 After eating so much, are you full. 86、眼泪是自己的,却总为别人流。 Tears are their own, but always for others. 87、兢兢业业干事,堂堂正正做人。 Be conscientious and upright. 88、阳光依旧温暖、你依旧会爱我吗? Sunshine is still warm, will you still love me? 89、谈恋爱需要感性,分手需要理性。 Love needs sensibility, breakup needs rationality. 90、风的叶子,仍然很尴尬。 The leaves of the wind, still embarrassed. 91、手艺是活宝,天下饿不倒。 Craft is a living treasure. The world is hungry. 92、从此心如止水,难起波澜。 From then on, my heart was as still as water, and it was hard to stir up waves. 93、我不寂寞,因为有寂寞陪我。 I am not lonely, because there is loneliness with me. 94、那颗心,已容不下另一个人。 That heart can't hold another person. 95、爱你是具体的,具体到18厘米。 Love you is specific, specific to 18 cm. 96、只有我隐身,才能看到你上线。 Only when I'm invisible can I see you online. 97、走好自己的路,迈好自己的步。 Take your own road and take your own steps. 98、听说你过得很好,床上人来人往。 It's said that you have a good life. People come and go in bed. 99、厌倦了现在的一切,包括那个人。 Tired of everything now, including the man.









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